I had a hunting problem since I was 9, and recently I've had a urge to let it consume me more. So I decided to not only rifle hunt, but to take up archery. So I have a martin compound bow and I'm jumping on a tenpoint venom. I am contacting my representative Ryan Lynch to try to convince Montana that crossbows are and have been considered archery for thousands of years and not a rifle. It seems my addiction knows no bounds inside the acceptable bounds of reason and law. I stared off in Yuma Arizona going after dove, quail and jack rabbits. I then lived in Hawaii where hunting took a hiatus, and deep sea fishing, and surf fishing was all I was about. Then I came to Montana, where I became a hunter of anything I could get a tag for. With a rifle this year I got my antelope within a half hour, running shot, and now I am seeking to increase the difficulty, and increase the game animals odds. It's no fun if it's too easy. Due to the pressure of invasive wolf species (artic wolf) as opposed to the salmon wolf, I don't hunt for elk, but will take one if it presents itself and is of good size. While it may sound like I'm trying to pump myself up into some master hunter, I know enough to know I have a LOT of learning to do still. Thank you all for reading this thing through, and I hope to learn here.