I own three HHA slider sights and love them. I went to the archery shop to buy the HHA with the wheel and let the guy at the pro shop talk me into a Sword Centurion. Don't get me wrong it is a nice sight but not at the HHA level if you ask me. Anyway I was shooting and hearing a loud vibration. I could not figure it out so I took it back to the shop. The guy could not figure it out either at first so I said no problem I am buying the HHA wheel anyway take it off. While I was shooting it in he found the problem, the bar that the head slides on was cut to short and making noise. Anyway I have the wheel now and love it. I will never stray away from HHA again. By the way I am not knocking Sword sights as I know they are good as well but in my opinion HHA makes the best slider in the business period, and that includes Spot Hogg that I looked at tonight.
Love their sights as well as their customer service. One will be on my bow for a long time Sent from my SCH-R970 using Tapatalk
I have an HHA optimizer too. I have been shooting a single pin since I got my first bow in 1989. I love being able to shoot at 40 or 50 yards with the turn of the wheel.