Seriously.... Get with some Traditional archers and try some different bows, arrows. Most guys are happy to let you try their bows. You'll be a lot happier and a lot more likely to have a successful move to whatever bow you decide on if you can try it before spending the money.. woodsman
fortunately I had a student this year who is only 17 yrs old, but he is a remarkable trad shooter and he and his father have invited me to their house to shoot several bows and get an idea of what I like..NC, what is your compound DL and what is your Trad DL?
Ok so I went to Bass Pro Shop to look at a Montana, I held it and drew and had my DL measured. I drew the 55# @ 28' bow and it felt great, not too much, yet, still enough pull. The guy behind the counter said with that bow and my 25" DL I was pulling about 46# ...does this sound right to you guys? Either way, he said that I could likely go with a 60# @ 28" and with my 25' DL get up to 50# or so...I told him that I wanted to be able to shoot with ease and not get tired and that all I wanted was to be able kill a deer with whatever bow I buy. I said Im not going to buy a bow just to shoot and then have to turn around and buy one to hunt with. He said the 55# or 60# would perfect. I reallt liked the bow, he didn't let me shoot it, but it really was light and felt great. My only concern was the length of the bow in a tree too long or is it managable?
He was correct on the weight @ your DL. 46# is enough to get passthruoghs on deer @ 20yrd. I would err on the light side and not go heavier. I would not buy a bow without shooting it first. Try to get to shoot some different bows before buying. Can you get to STAR, ETAR or ATAR? At any of those events you'll be able to shoot many different bows from many different manufacturers.
Stay In that 45lb range Landon. Bad habits are a beech to get rid of and It usually happens (bad habits) If you start out to heavy!! I've been there done that, I started out way to heavy myself and still today I fight them same bad habits from years ago of starting out to heavy In draw weight. A year or so down the road you can always go heavier, selling your 1st bow shouldn't be all that hard. 45lbs Is more then enough to get the job done with the correct arrow and BH set up. As far as the length of the bow, you'll get used to It In time.
He didn't let you shoot it, Why not???? The Montana with a heavy arrow, sharp broadhead and accuracy will kill deer all day long with no problems. The buck I killed this past season with my Montana was 50#, 620+gr arrow and a double lung complete pass thru with my arrow stuck in the ground on the other side covered in the good kinda blood! As for the length, you won't even notice it. I hunted with my Montana out of my LW and NEVER had an issue. My friend who has hunted with a longbow for 30 years is a short guy and shoots a 66" bow with no problems! Do you have a Cabelas by you?? They also carry them and will let you shoot it.
Im not sure what you guys are talking about? what event ? where? Also, I am going to shoot some bows in the next few weeks, long bows and recurves, I want to do this right and I want you guys to hold my hand.
Here's what we're talking about; There are several traditional archery rendezvous each year. The current nationally known top one is the Compton Traditional Rendezvous. STAR, which is smaller and more localized. ATAR (Appalachian Traditional Archery Rendezvous), which is much larger and widely known. (this will be my first year going there) E.T.A.R. ~ Eastern Traditional Archery Rendezvous, One of the biggest in the east, so I hear. (never been, yet) Baltimore Bowmen Traditional Classic Event-A GREAT shoot, lots of vendors, challenging courses. For a complete listing of events around the country here's a good site:
I wish I could go, but I have to work for a few weeks in July and those weeks are not in concrete yet, so I don't want to committ and then have to back out. I work every July for an uncle doing fire alarms and he depends on me every year to get certain buildings tested in time. It's always July and he never knows what weeks/days he needs me and it's really good $ for me, hell I could make more doing that than teaching, but then I wouldn't have my time off either! I tell you what Iam going to do, Im going to some Dixie Bowman shoots this summer and soak it in, they have a very good group of Trad shooters on Saturdays and then all classes on Sundays, next one is in a few weeks.
Landon, This might be a bit of interest to ya.;f=5;t=031875
This is a smoking deal on a Montana plus everything needed to get you started!;f=5;t=031996
OMG,I would snatch that up quick and in a hurry. If I wasn't getting a bike part I'd beat him to the punch. I still have one more space in the cabnet for one more bow to make an even 16.
yall think this is the bow for me?? It looks great, with my DL it would around 41# ...if you guys think that's plenty for deer then I will get the info and send him a message, that is a hell of deal.. I have tried to register over there on tradgang but it won't let me....can someone get his contact info for me and send a PM to me.... Thanks guys!! For all that equipment I could start shooting next week!!
I sent him a PM for ya letting him know whats up that you can't register, I'm trying to get his email for ya. This bow is what your looking for, a HELL of a deal for a complete set up. I'll keep you updated. I wonder whats up with not being able to register on tradgang, weird??
Thanks Joe!! It looks like a deal to me.. I tried to register, I put in everything and then it says someone else is using this name, then i change names and it says someone else is using the e-mail...who knows, I get it though.