Hey Ya'll, My name is Aaron Stepp but everybody calls me AROD. I have been part of bowhunting.com for a while but I have never introduced myself. I own a 1984 Hoyt/Easton Pro Hunter Compound bow (yes, it looks like the RAMBO BOW, except it is green with the wooden style limbs) I bought from my wife's boyfriend for $40.00 that came with a hard case, arm guard, quiver, 6 different sights, a couple berger buttons (never could get them to act right) LOL!!! and a bunch of spare parts and is in really good shape. The teardrops look to be in great condition, the cables look to be strong just have a couple indentions where they go into the cams where the screws hold them in place but I don't see any problem with that. It is missing the specs label on the lower limb but had a lot of paperwork with it. I think it is a 70# draw, takes a little muscle to pull it back. I accidentally bumped the serving with my knife trying to get rid of a "fuzzy"! LOL!!! I didn't know any better since I had never owned a compound bow and that cut the serving which I had planned on reserving the bow anyway. I am trying to get my 7 year old son and my 8 year old daughter into bowhunting, I bought my boy a Vortex 19-45 LB. compound bow. I'm still trying to get my daughter on board but when she finally shoots a bow I know she will be wanting a bow too. I am a single dad and my kids are definitely like there Daddy! LOL!!! I just wanted to introduce myself since I am trying to learn everything I can about becoming a Bowyer. We'll, now that I finally got this out of the way I can start asking questions to all of you smarter than me Bowhunters out there! LOL!!! Thanks for letting me part of your group and I will be back on here in a little while, gotta go upstairs and put a fuel pump in Mee-Maw's car. Thank ya'll in advance and GOD Bless, AROD
Welcome man... there's a wealth of bowhunting information available here from some really great members.
Thanks for the warm welcome Ya'll! I have a question but I already know the answer to it but I'm going to go post my question anyway! LOL!!! Thanks again Ya'll Oh Yeah, I forgot to mention where I'm from, DUH! I live in Mount Holly, NC which is about 10 minutes from Gastonia, NC to the West and about 10 minutes from Charlotte, NC. to the East. Thanks again Ya'll, Later, AROD
Welcome AROD. You had me a little concerned when you said you bought the bow from your "wife's boyfriend". :D Good luck this fall.