Your limbs are ready to be retro fitted to your riser. Mate you have no excuses now:p Here is the latest group. I was aiming for the black torn section of the bag. Oh the distance was 60 yards:D The arrows flew like lazers and covered the 60 yds real quick and thumped into the bag. The arrows are full lenght GT 3555, 23% FOC, 620gr's and as you can see even at 60 yds they still burried deep into the bag.
Steve. I'll be more than glad to get my 55lb limbs back on MY bow:D Those 66lb limbs have been kicking my butt even tho I am only drawing them to 63lb Kyle shot them today and all he could say after he shot it "Man thats stout"
Getting old? Just giving ya **** there my friend!! I'd take you on my side anyday you crafty SOB you. P.S.- I want your job!! :D
That is sweet shooting their Russ , nice going :p I'll take his job too Steve , can you imagine how much work we would get done ...... none lol
I'm liking what I'm seeing and hearing! I'll get the riser in the post-done with it for a few weeks anyway...
I tell ya, when Russ told me the weight of the limbs I was shocked! Will your more a man than I.... your a BEAST!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Not a beast Joe, just a bit discouraged by the shot I placed on my musk oxen. Yes, I may have used the wrong broadhead and arrow weight. But, I like the idea of having a little more bow to get the job done. No doubt the extra poundage can make up ground for poor judgement, especially on those thick skinned big boned critters I intend to hunt.
Will A little more bow is a gross understatement jumping 13lbs:D But I have all the confidence in the world that you'll get the job done specially seeing you now have probably the toughest broad heads on the planet. I just finished putting the details on the new limbs just waiting for the riser to arrive so I can retro fit them and get her back to ya.:p
So what you're saying is that Will's extra limbs aren't going to fit on my riser? What happened to the spirit of Henry Ford in your manufacturing process there Russ? I figured I'd pick 'em up for a song (and a bad one at that) after Will herniates himself.
Rob. Even tho the risers look the same no 2 risers are exactly the same. I think it has something to do with the beer drip I have set up in the shop so I don't dehydrate:D I tell ya mate it's all the Sham Wow guys fault.:p Well you probably still can and just do a coupla minor mods to them:D