I wussed out. There was more then just a bit of a breeze then they were predicting. It was 20 below. I wouldn't be going out tonight either. Well maybe a long range scouting trip to check another area out. It's still 10 below. The wind is just a killer here and the deer aren't moving until about dark. I think Steve had to work today. Tim
Working In this **** Is about as bad as hunting In It!! Seems this cold weather might be here for a while.
Lol!! Speaking of that, I just gave a short lesson to a youngster today on how the milk stays cool In the tank of my truck.
you suck !! LOL We will finally climb out of the freezer Wednesday !! We will still be far from 65 though. Should be some good bowhunting weather. Tim
You're "glad" to hear that....oh boy ?? :D You'll be happy to hear they finally dropped again after that freezing cold sit then
Good luck! I have start Christmas break Thur and I'll be out everyday. They are starting to hit the corn really hard, and starting to heard up. My pops has been out, after the snow, and he said my mock scrape has doubled in size! He's hanging my camera on it tomorrow night!!