My little Pommy Mate.:p Does this float your boat? Grip side Side Back Mesquite over the riser Mesquite mid limb These pics don't really do any justice.
Hell yeah , that looks sweet sweet sweeeeet my good Aussie Fella . My Yarra is gonna be a Babe of a bow , i got a name for her already . Named after my favourite film "Deliverance" and she will deliver . . I might add Fella's , that i have now sold my X-Force compound and am now Trad gear only . Nothing like throwing yourself in at the deepend huh ...
I saw It coming Dave! What that tells me Is your 100% committed to do this traditional thing, that's what It takes to get It done my friend. Best of luck!!!
Thanks Steve Your right , the Trad bug has truly bitten me and i believe that it was the way i should have gone from the start . I find it more challenging and every day i practice to better myself , i love the back to basics things ...... plus my G/F says i look great shooting my longbow lol . Becoming a proficient shot is my main aim , getting the Elk , Deer , Bear or Turkey comes after . But come next September , i will be more than upto the challenge of taking Game with my longbow .
G/F....? Oh come on now Randy, she must be a big old English birch tree with a knothole. Dave, I'll give you one'll be lucky at bows...I'm not so sure about love. Will ya get your tommy arse over here...sept '10 can't come soon enough!
Will. I think you are right he has been going on about her to me for a month or more and still no photo proof with the both of them in the same pic. He does keep sending me pics of the Daily Mirror page 3 girl tho:D Yep how he keeps stumbling onto my best wood has got me beat, I try and pick the crappiest piece I have for him but when I cut it, it's like the pic's above and really makes me go I have decided to put the sight window and shelf in the colorful section of the riser block so the colors fade into each other through the sight window:D About to go out and do a set of lams and get them ready for glue up in the morning and cut the shelf and sight window.
Ok here we go the sight window is cut out and the first limb is ready for glue up tomorrow morning. I decided to use Mesquite from 2 different pieces and they have different colors and grain to them, each pair of lams are book matched. The Mesquite lams and Pecan wedge. Mid limb Riser. These pics dont grab the true colors so dont worry too much about the colors as the true color and grain will come out when the finish is applied to the riser and the glass and epoxy will bring out the true colors in the limbs
Ok the first limb is out of the heat box cleand up, excess cut off ready to be retaped shaped and the holes drilled. Back Belly You can see the 2 different colors from the 2 different Mesquite boards. Oh these pics don't do any justice either.
how much to have you build a mere mortal somethin this pretty? lol i love your bows man, and i love following the build alongs
Kent. Dave actually stared in that movie altho his role was only a small one it made a big impact on the movie, Burt Reynolds even made the comment on how good young Dave was on the Banjo:D
You guys are just Sick and Jealous .... and so what if i can play thew banjo , it was better than the short part you played , i thought you were doin ok till the arrow went through yer chest ...... " squeal piggy " ..... " weeeeeeeeh" :p
Well she is just about finished just got to finish the limbs off with the butt and tip overlays sand them back and apply the finish. Here is the riser with the first coat of Antique Oil finish sanded in. These pics dont do her any justice, I will take some more tomorrow in daylight.
Steve. Thanks mate appreciate it. Funny story about sanding the grip section. The tiger stripe when I was sanding sorta got me confused the lighter color made it appear to be a hollow point so there I was sanding, sanding and sanding trying to get the hollow point out, then it dawned on me it was the tiger stripe, without the finish to bring out the colors and stripes, you can barely see the stripes. Just what I needed was some more sanding practice:D
WOW , thats awesome Russ . She's looking wicked mate , you were right about the grain coming out . Ge's i'm liking what i see and then some .