Why flexible roller guards on the new Defenders? I'll have some fat OT over the holidays and might just have a new bow in mind.
I'm not a corporate staff guy, but think I can shed some light on this for you. The FLX Guard (as they call it) will basically absorb most of the torque that would typically be transferred to a riser through either a traditional cable guard, or normal roller guard. These faster bows that have hit the market over the last couple of years all have one thing in common, more preload on the limbs before even drawing the bow. Without a system to absorb some of this as the bow is drawn, it transfers into the riser and changes how it sits in your hand throughout the draw cycle. The FLX Guard should eliminate this. In addition to this guard, the limbs by design should prove to be the absolute best quality limb on the market in terms of how they store energy, and durability as well. It is a laminated limb (which is better than the billet that 90% of manufacturers use), and even better yet it has some revolutionary layers in their lamination process. They are also using a higher quality glass for the actual glass layers as well, 99.99999999% of the manufacturers are using E glass but Bowtech decided to use top shelf S glass for this limb. In addition to this, they are using a different core material, and have also inserted 6061 aluminum as a layer at the limb fork to eliminate any issues there. Also because of the laminate layers used, more energy will be stored in the middle of the limb as compared to the edges/outside like traditional limbs. On top of all this, I've heard from someone that has handled this bow first hand that the draw cycle is by far the smoothest of any of the "speed" bows out there right now. Expect it to draw like an Allegiance or Tribute on smooth mods.
No clue. Based on release dates from previous years, I'd expect to see more in the next week or so if I had to guess.
I am giddy with excitement for this bow. Like Matt, when I hear that this bow passes a certain desciminating eye, I take it to the bank. Just made room in the stable today actually. The 101st is heading to New Mexico.
Yea,it has been pretty busy over there.Again,I like the bow.I feel the same away about that bow as I did the Guardian when it came out.BUT I will let time be the judge on the new flexing roller guard.I am sure BT has tested it to it's fullest and it is fine but "I" have a hard time with it flexing. I would love to put one through the paces on a hooter shooter and in my hands.
I know; you just gotta do it for yourself... LOL. But trust me... there's nothing you're gonna do on a Hooter Shooter that hasn't already been done by Craig and the gang on one as well nearly 200,000 cycle tests by now. :D And you ever seen a carbon cable rod on a super-slo mo video? And... it's about to get busier.
Yes I have but that is a repetitive process.I am sure the roller system has been tested to its fullest but it must repeat exactly each and everytime.Ever shot a bow with a loose cable guard? Don't get me wrong,I'm not discrediting it's function but untill THOUSANDS are put out and used in many adverse conditions there will still be some questions ,in my mind anyway.Heck,many questioned split limbs when Hoyt went to them and many still do even after they have proven themselves.To be honest,when Hoyt started running the rod through both the front and the back of the riser making it sturdier,I noticed an improvement in tunability immediately.
So I guess this means there IS a riser flex issue with the 09's??? Doesn't really affect my shooting much but now I know what all the hype was about. Glad to hear they're taking measures to correct this.
Yeah what Rob said. Trying to keep busy anyway. anyone need an ATV...lol.....Greg get back to work....lol.
Some dealers are saying mid to late Nov. I cannot say that for sure but it sounds promising. Ben ordered his, his dealer said 3 weeks.
I'm interested in this bow as well andx I usually don't get excited over new bows. Whether or not I will let myself drop the coin on one has yet to be determined. I can afford it, but I may be better off spending money on the house (where's the fun in that though right?)
Greg, if you have any left over, I'll take a Christmas present,, a new Trad, a car anything I could use..