The buck I wounded October 19th this year Is alive. I caught a video of him trailing a doe at 4:15 In the morning on the 1st of November from the stand that I wounded him from before. I hunted this stand tonight and when I walked out I swapped cards In the trail cam that's over my mock scrape. When I walked In for my evening hunt today I noticed there was a very nice track In the mock scrape, I said to myself that looks allot like the track from the buck I hit. The video sucks on here, It's much better on my computer then It Is on photobucket. It's funny, he has nothing what so ever of a rut neck. Could that be because of the wound? I hit him on the right side, only one hole by the looks of It. I sure wish I could've seen his right side In this video though, then I'd know 100% for sure It's him but I'm dead set on It that It Is him. I will see this guy from stand again, I can feel It. Been feeling It for a few days actually. The weather and the wind direction haven't been cooperating with me In the least the last week. I have 4 days of hunting left before the gun season opens. Wish me luck!! Below the video Is the picture of this buck.
Like you said; too bad the video wasn't from the right side... I hope it was him. Good luck with him.
Looks like him to me, Steve. I doubt that injury has anything to do with his neck size. In all honesty his neck should have been bigger in the Oct. 11th pic you have IMO. I've seen bucks that just didn't swell up. I hope you get closure on this guy. Best of luck!
I'm not sure about that Jeff, the deer looks like he has a scar right across his back-just above the shoulder. If you pause the video as he moves through, you will see the spot I'm talking about. Good luck getting him Steve!
That sure looks like it could be him Steve....good to know. I agree...wonder where you hit him. How about whack him so we can all find out! Good luck....
I don't see a mark either but I didn't hit him on the left side either. My guess Is that I must of spined him and only got one hole on the right side. I was never really sold that there was 2 holes anyway from what the blood trail was telling me. I also thought he had a slight limp to him too but bucks kind of act goofy with their walking and body language when coming and going from scrapes also. Who knows I guess.