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Hero to Zero, but ended ok

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by cls74, Nov 6, 2010.

  1. cls74

    cls74 Legendary Woodsman

    Dec 11, 2008
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    Springfield, IL
    I have passed more deer this year than the previous 3 years combined. I went into the season wanting to accomplish 2 things. Shoot a nice buck and a mature doe, so opening evening I shoot a button buck that I thought was a doe fawn. No worries, I wanted meat in the freezer, so I ended up giving it to my neighbor. So as of November 5th, I have about 15 pounds of burger and 2 rolls of sausage left from last year. But, I have tons of pictures and video of deer I have passed on. I'm questioning my motives more than ever.

    Last weekend I passed on 5 different adult does because the bucks were moving, yesterday I seen 0 deer. Today started out with 3 doe sightings by 8am, but all 3 knew something wasn't right and never thought about coming through. By 9:30 I had my stuff packed up and ready to go. I kept telling myself to move stands or go home, but knowing it's the rut and anything can happen, I kept putting it off.

    Messing around on my phone about 11am I looked up and seen a big deer heading my way. Thought buck, and reached for my bow. The deer kept working my way pausing briefly the whole while keeping trees between us, I couldn't tell if he was big or small. Large bodied, that's all I knew. As he gets closer and moves into view I notice that he turned into a she and she was panting severely. Eyes go off of her and start scanning back behind her, it's 43 degrees, not 90 something has been chasing her. I look and look and see nothing, she's looking too but she keeps creeping my way, so I decide if she gives me the shot I'm taking it. It took about 10 minutes for her to move 12 yds and it was a given she was going to give me a 10yd broadside opportunity.

    Last night I put a remote on my bow for the camera, so I could turn it on, hit record and zoom without needing two hands. I kept going from her to the view finder back to her. When she walked in front of me I let it fly and I hit further back than I wanted. I knew it, I seen it and I felt sick. I watched her run off about 15-20yds and stop. she sat there in a mess of sapplings and all I could do was watch with a nocked arrow at the ready for a follow up shot. She stood there for about a minute and a half and walked away, no shot. About 15 seconds later 8 turkey come out right where she stopped. I waited about 30 minutes and got down to look at the impact site. White hair, climbed down in the drainage ditch and got the arrow, blood and slime. With only one way out, I quietly walked the portion of my trail she was on and found decent blood.


    Not wanting to push her I went around the patch of woods she was in and checked the 2 trails coming out and seen no blood or hair so knew she was still in there. I headed up to the house and grabbed something to drink and unloaded my 4 wheeler. I returned about 35 minutes later, the blood told me she was down but the shot I seen told me she needed put down. I took my time getting back down there and left my 4 wheeler well behind in fear of spooking her. As I get near with bow ready, I hear some leaves rustle. Looked over and there she was, I could have given her a 1/2 hour and she would have expired but I put another shot in her and ended it. There are 2 reasons I went back when I did, the first was the blood, as it was a good trail for such a short distance after the shot. The second was coyotes, they are thicker than the deer it seems and I can guarantee it wouldn't take long for them to be on her. Had I not found the blood I would not have gone back.

    As it turns out I think I clipped the back of a single lung, possibly liver(?) and of course gut. She went about 65 yds and with or without the finishing shot would not have gone any further. It entered the 3rd rib from the back, and exited just behind the ribs opposite side. Think the rage deflected a bit splitting the rib down the middle? I do have video, it does not show the impact(just the knees down), but I'm torn on whether to upload it or not. It shows the deer after the shot and body language, that's the only reason I would consider it. It may help others recognize the deer's demeanor after an iffy shot.


    Won't call them hero shots, as I am still disappointed in myself but she went 118 dressed and 145mm eye to nostril



  2. BEAR09

    BEAR09 Weekend Warrior

    Nov 12, 2009
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    Congrats on the doe.

  3. cls74

    cls74 Legendary Woodsman

    Dec 11, 2008
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    Springfield, IL
    Thanks, I probably should have waited until tomorrow to post. Got disgusted with myself on the shot. Watched the video a few times now and think I torqued the bow as well as she was walking. I also meant to change the thread title but it won't let you edit it after posting. Hit post new thread instead of see preview after loading pics into it.

    I was ready to give up for the year, think the camera is coming off the bow, atleast the remote will be.

    I feel a little better about it now, it happens and I did what I could to end her suffering as quick as possible. Just one of those situations I want to be proud but at the same time its hard to.

    Here is a link to the video, after watching it I don't think it is that offensive but I did set it to private so it doesn't show up in searches. Ithought she was going to have a heart attack, never seen one this exhausted. At the end she stood there awhile longer but I lost interest in filming it.!
  4. flstnhd

    flstnhd Weekend Warrior

    Sep 24, 2008
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    Congrats !

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Finch

    Finch Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 27, 2008
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    Congrats on the doe! Glad to hear it worked out for you. Liked the video too!
  6. michaelp

    michaelp Die Hard Bowhunter

    Mar 2, 2009
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    I would suggest you feel no shame, sometimes we double lung em and sometimes we spine em. Congrats on a great deer and hope to see you sitting behind more this year. I know how you feel, and what you mean in your post, but the object is to kill them, find them and then eat accomplished the goal.
  7. Siman/OH

    Siman/OH Legendary Woodsman

    Nov 10, 2008
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    Congrats on the doe
  8. Fitz

    Fitz Legendary Woodsman

    Dec 27, 2008
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    Ely, MN
    Good doe, Congrats!
  9. TJF

    TJF Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Congrats on the doe !!

  10. cls74

    cls74 Legendary Woodsman

    Dec 11, 2008
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    Springfield, IL
    Thanks again guys, I'll be back in the stand again tomorrow.

    Hoping to lay atleast one buck down this coming week before going back to work. This may have been a little blessing in disguise, I don't need to be concerened with no meat in the freezer any more and I'll have this in the back of my mind to help ensure I make the best shot I can on the next one.

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