This doe comes in with these same 2 doe. I have many pics of them. Is this a hermaphrodite? A doe with antlers? If it is and because it's antlers are bigger than 3 inch. Do I have to use a buck tag?
Yep. I’ve seen a lot of very young bucks traveling with groups of does. I always assumed they were one of the doe’s last season fawns that haven’t moved on or been chased off yet.
Don't know about your state, but detail is in the wording of your state. For example here in Maryland, it reads as antler or antler less deer, not by gender. So it that case your deer would be under antler category. Also as the other guys have stated, it's common for small bucks to run with does this time of year. I think there is a chance it could be a offspring of one of the does. She will kick him out come the rut. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
In Michigan, yes you have to use your unrestricted buck tag. It's not antlerless. Please don't shoot that deer, for several reasons. First and foremost it looks sick compared to the other deer. I imagine if he's seriously sick he would be dead before the season hits but still. Better safe than sorry. Secondly, unless it's your first deer with a bow please let it grow. Michigan is doing a much better job the past few years letting go of the 'if it's brown it's down' mentality. Plenty of doe tags available so shoot a doe and let the little bucks grow. Lastly, I agree that it's likely a yearling buck and he's probably with his mama and his sister.
What makes you say it's a doe? Just because it is with 2 does? I do not see any evidence that it is not a buck. Either way, as said "antlered or antlerless".
dnoodles - What makes it looks sick that it will be dead before season? It doesn't look different to me.
I have to say compared to the deer on our place, all three of those deer look under nourished. Young buck or doe I'd let it go for curiosity. If it is a doe how big a rack will it get, will it drop that rack, will it have fawn? I know we had a 6 point doe here years ago and yes she had a fawn. How I was positive it was a doe? Well, Unless that fawn was terrible confused and the adult was gay....hhhmmmmm
Ribs and especially the hips seem more pronounced than the others. Could be wrong and just be the angle/shadows. If it is sick with CWD or TB it will be dead by Oct. 1. TB is pretty bad in Michigan's deer herd right now.
I see a spattering of young bucks in bachelor groups and with doe groups quite often. Like said above, they are young bucks that one of the does in the group dropped the year before. Can be seen all through the summer, but I've never seen them still with a doe group by October.
Ya, I'm pretty sure its a doe. I seen her last year also. The spikes get a little bigger and she never has a fawn.
And last year she stayed with the does all winter. That's why I think its a doe with antlers. So ODD and I have passed her 2x last year