Hey everyone Im Ben from central OK. Any predictions for this upcoming season? Anybody getting pics of hard horns yet? Is the lack of rain hampering fall food plot efforts?
I hunt NE OK, neighbors plots seem to be growing well. I haven't had a pic of a single buck lately, but I plan on setting out corn on the 15th of september, long enough to get them in a pattern. LOTS of acorn growth now, alot better than last year. Supposed to get more rain later on in the week.
North Central OK here, we've got a doe and 2 fawns on our trail cam but that's it. Usually don't see bucks moving across our place til later in the season. Did have a report of a big buck on another place we have permission to hunt on yesterday. Hoping to take my niece up there on youth weekend for her first deer hunt
Got back from the hunting land. Going to have to replant fall kill plots! No rain! Bucks are going hard horned. Acorns look very abundant this year.
I hunt in the SE central part of Oklahoma. I seen two does so far. My daughter seen a deer walking along the water line of the lake. I did take a pic of a big hoof print and found a bedding area. Acorns are growing very well, but the lake is up because of the rain we had this summer and last year deer would eat in the evening time on the lake bed. I'm feeling good about this season.
I wont be able to hunt in the am but ill be out tomorrow evening an this coming weekend. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Tapatalk 4
14 hours until i'm in a tree... String waxed, Gear outside airing out, hopefully have good wind for my favorite stand. I may just take some Tylenol PM at around 7 and sleep I can't stand it lol.
Good luck to you! Hope you get a big one down! Ill be headed to the western side of the state on friday for a three day hunt. Hope to have some success. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Tapatalk 4