It seems like a lot of people pay a lot of attention on picking out the right Tom decoy, but is anyone really picky about the hen decoy they select and do you think it's a big part of the success you have had?
Honestly, I bought a pack of cheap decoys for $40. Came with 3 hens in different positions and a jake. They were plastic blowup. My grandpa doesn't think it would of made a difference if we used his crappy worn out ones when I got one this year. But when we used his the hens would always be super spooky around it. My gobbler came in to the new ones. It's all in your preference. Mine are made by Cherokee. What do you use?
I have an older hen decoy I got from my grandpa and I have never had issues with it but this last week it seems like they want nothing to do with her. I didn't know if other people were having problems like this or not
I have a DSD hen decoy. Most realistic dekes out there, but not cheap. The Avians look really good too, but are much heavier.
Bearded hen picks on my DSD hen This hen put my DSD hen decoy in her place for being rude and not talking. DSD are the best dekes out there, IMHO.[video][/video]