Another question. How do you guys orient your gloved fingers? One above the arrow and two below, all three below etc etc. I'm going to experiment tonight with diff. styles.
I shoot 3 under b/c I simply find it easier to get into my anchor. It also brings the arrow closer to the eye, which helps with gap shooting, which is what I do. I'm pretty sure both Rick Welch and Rod Jenkins shoot 3 under as do a lot, if not most of the elite shooters that are on the tournament trails. I don't think it matters much unless you plan to GAP shoot, then it makes things A LOT easier.
Good advise given already that I don't really want to retype. Hopefully you started out with a light weight bow (this is relative). If not, I'd recommend getting a used one somewhere. When starting out get your form down and see what feels right to you. Burn that form in, then work on accuracy and aiming. Aiming is the easy part, getting your arrow to fly where you are aiming is the hard part and is seperate from aiming. FWIW, a lot of times when I practice form, I use a 30# bow. I've used up to 74#'s for hunting.
I shot split fingers for years. I went to three under about two years ago. Neither feels any better to me, than the other. Try them both and see what you like. Just one thing. Most bows are tillered for split finger shooters, which is not a problem, you just have to adjust your knock a tad bit higher than what you would shoot split fingers.