I've been shooting my recurve a ton lately and want to pick some of your brains on something. I hate shooting targets(flat bullseye targets, block targets, even big 3-d targets). I'm not sure what it is but at around 20 yards and beyond I can't focus on spots, I try and in actuality my accuracy is not awful but my consistency is suspect sometimes. Well this weekend while shooting there were a bunch of pears on the ground so I started setting some of them up and shooting at them and something about the small 3-d look of the pear was clicking. I was nailing them consistently from 20-30 yards. I've noticed this before in the past shooting arrows at crows, even at long distance I can drop an arrow in on a crow, same type of target(small 3-d). Small balloons=same thing, I can pop the crap out of them. Switch over to my block and the consistency drops. 1. What gives? 2. Should I ask my local deer heard to staple small balloons to their hide? Is that unreasonable?
This seems like an easy one to me. Your shooting at the vitals on the targets (basketball size area) and not picking out a small spot. When shooting at your pears there much smaller so you've decreased your size of area. You really have to pick out a spot, a tiny spot when shooting at anything. Last year when I shot my deer the stand I was In wasn't very solid because of the shape of the tree. After I shot I knew the deer was dead being I hit the lungs but I was a little disappointed being I shot about 2 to 3 Inches to the left and a tad higher then where I wanted the arrow to go. A week or so later It finally hit me, I picked an area and not a spot being I was too focused on my tree stand and not thinking. You'll get It down New, your right there!!
Thanks Schultzy, I feel like it's a lttle more than that. I shoot a lot from guns to bows, whatever, and I am pretty good about picking spots and "aiming small" so to speak. My first post may have been a little vague or poorly worded. The more I think about it the more I think it may have something to do with better depth perception on a small target with open air behind it. I honestly feel like I "see" the shot better or can visualize the shot better. Someone on another site mentioned trying to shoot through the target, picking a spot but then trying to imagine the arrow going through/past it/beyond it. Kind of like putting in golf, I'm not a great golfer but putting I do well and I generally line my putts up to go through the hole and a couple of feet past rather a line that just goes into the hole and that seems to help me viualize my putts better, especially on longer putts. Next practice session is today, so I'll work it out.......hopefully.