So i have been turkey hunting and i'm really new. I have a box call and a mouth call. I know that there are turkey s in the area, and I do not know were they are roosting. I am confused at what to do and cannot find anything on it. When i go out in the morning, what sequences do i use. Like do i yelp three or four times and do some clucks, and then wait 10 minutes? Or what do I do?? My second question is what do I do if A bird gobbles back. I have heard birds gobble, and then i will yelp at them, and well go back and forth for like 3 min and then the bird will disappear. Do i like cluck and yelp at them or what? THis has happened twice now. THanks for all the help. P.s im only 14
Each bird is different. If they gobble back and then shut up. Sit tight...most of the birds I have seen this year have come in silently....good luck
Most times but not all, in the morning when you call then the Tom answers he is calling the hens in. If he keeps answering you when you call he has hens with him. You are going to have a hard time getting him to come to you. IF you can get the hens to come to you then he will follow. Happens occasionally. I agree this year the birds have been fairly quiet. Not sure if it is due to the early green up or what it is. Don't call too much. Be patient. I know it is difficult to do but it will help. Don't call every time they gobble. Another method is to hunt mid day. If you get one to gobble or hear one gobble at random he is lonely and looking for a friend. I heard one gobble at noon yesterday. They both came right to the call. Good Luck!