After everything that I have read on here, I decided to go to Walmart and look at the Muzzys. When I got there, there was a guy there and said that Muzzy is what he shot and loved them. So I decided Muzzy mx3 would be the broadhead to try this year. Good luck on your hunt this year!
Magnus Stingers would be a good one to check out too. I have a 26 inch draw and was shooting 45-50 lbs. last year due to a hurt shoulder. They fly great, are made in the USA, have a great warranty, and give you a lot of penetration and good bloodtrails. I used to shoot Muzzy MX-3s and was somewhat unimpressed. They will certainly get the job done though, I just prefer Stingers from my experience.
I shoot NAP thunderheads. 100 grain, fixed blades. They fly almost exactly where my field points go. And...they're nice to your wallet. Another benefit over some of the mechanicals is that a non-mech broad head will crush bone (if you hit it) more readily than a mech BH. That's just my experience anyways... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk - now Free