I'm new, oh so new to bow hunting. I'm hoping to go hunting this season, got my license and just ordered some camo!! Now the question is which broadhead??? I have a 25" draw length and shooting 50lbs, for now.. I can probably go up a few pounds but right now only 50lbs. I have 100 grain field tips on but not a clue as to the weight of my graphite arrow shaft. Suggestions? Thanks, Carol
50lbs is good to stick with if anymore is uncomfortable. Its a completely different draw when actually drawing back on an animal than on the practice range. 50lbs will definitely get the job done. You definitely don't wanna over bow yourself and not be able to draw in that magic moment. I would suggest a good fixed blade to start with and there's never a doubt about them malfunctioning or not getting enough KE for them to work right. With a 50lbs draw a good fixed won't let you down. I suggest muzzy mx3 as that's what shoot but there's plenty of other great fixed blades out there. Can't beat the price on the muzzys either. hope this helps you some.
I was talking with my husband about this and I told him I don't believe that I will have a problem drawing back, aiming and letting go.. my concern is hitting so I don't injure the animal instead of killing it. If that makes sense. We have started practicing with a 3D foam deer and hopefully starting this week we will be practicing from the tree stand to the 3D foam deer (in the backyard). Plus as long as my husband doesn't get nervous for me while we are up in the stand I SHOULD be fine.. LOL I mean I boated a HUGE musky and he was the one with the knocking knees.. LOL of course that was after he hooked both legs of his pants into the same musky lure.. LOL but that's a different story.. MX3 100 grain.. fixed blades.. thanks! good to know.. I was looking at these broadheads.. pink 100 grain muzzy broadheads of course because of the color.. My bow is black with hot pink accents. Thanks again, Carol
Those should work great for does only!! Haha jk. Those should be great heads for you. :D Its amazing when hunting in the cold after sitting for awhile how much more difficult it can be to draw your bow. A DW you normally have no probs with can become difficult quick. I was just saying that if you're comfortable with 50 you shouldn't feel any need to increase it. best of luck to you and the hubby this season.
HAHAHA.. hey they are PINK.. It gets cold?? LOL I'll stick with 50lbs and if it gets WAY easy then think about increasing. You guys are all soo AWESOME!!! Thanks again! Carol
This was a great post but I'd like to add one thing. One of the greatest benefits of shooting muzzys is that every store that sells anything to do with hunting has a pack of muzzys sitting around. This has been extremely helpful for me in the past, saved my hunt and my vacation.
I'd go with rage 40 KE. Here's a link: Rage 40KE Broadhead product information, specifications, video and more?
Why? With a lighter draw weight and the fact that all expandable broadheads absorb some kinetic energy by the very nature of their design. A fixed blade will not absorb any of the energy but transfer it all to the deer
Because this broadhead is easy to tune and accurate. I have no experience with the muzzys so I can't recommend them, I have shot the rage 40 KE though and its a great BH.
I have and shoot the Muzzy's. For me they shoot dead on with my feild points. Cant ask for more for the price.
I'm sorry but that's not the advice to give a new person. By saying a broadhead is easy to tune that means you haven't tuned the bow properly. Any properly tuned bow will shoot any broadhead like a dart. A new archer should learn to properly shoot and tune, if not they will have trouble with energy transfers, pass throughs and longer shots
Get a fixed blade, any kind. I used nap thunderhead last year with good results. I would not get rage or any other mechanical with that setup. Big thing is shot placement, a good shot will kill any deer with just about any BH.
There is a great series of videos on youtube on broad heads and energy done by an Engineering student. He used as sterile conditions as possible, MX-3's and 4's didn't have good results at all, I used muzzy's for quite a while as well, but made the switch to G5-t'3's(rear deploying expandable) . I have a link to a double lung pass through at 40 yards in another post. They are reliable, same size entry and exit hole, similar to results you would expect with a non mechanical head. But they truly fly like a 100 grain field point out to 60 yards.... thats hard to do with about any broadhead.... check out g5 t3's brother.