I am looking for a couple big rubbermade containers that I can fit my lock ons in for storage in my garage (something like 36X30). I am also looking for a low profile container big enough to fit my LW sit and climb in for storage and for transit in the back of my truck or on the utility trailer. I got a big one that fits most of my unused climbing sticks from walmart already... Help me out here!
As a Construction guy, you ever been to Paranzino Brothers Auction the 3rd Tuesday of the month? In North Lima, (Acrossed from Sheeley's) They don't always have the same stuff but I've bought several there for Hunting and Storage.
I go quite frequently..It's the 16th this month. If you don't find something by then, I'll keep an eye out for ya.
Wow...I am not sure I can help you...unless you send me one of said stands so I can make sure they fit. By the way...have you guys had that baby yet?
Man...that due date just came and went....didn't it? And I thought it was worth a shot...I would hate to send you a box that wouldn't work afterall.