Hey guys, I am an avid birdhunter that hunts all around the world. I never was a deerhunter and got introduced to it 3 years ago. I killed a ten pointer with my bow the second year and have been hooked. I just bought an 80 acre parcel of heavy woods with deer sign everywhere. I have been doing some habitat control and now putting in 3- 1/2 acre food plots. I had to take down some massive oaks and clear the briars and all the cover. I am getting good light to the areas and I know I need to get a ph sample. My question to all you vets out there that have done this for years is what do I put down to kill off the vegetation that I dont want growing. I am assuming roundup but how long do I have to wait to plant and...what is the best thing to plant. The areas have good sunlight now and Plenty of water retention on the topsoil.(obviosly more dry now because of the open forest) Any good advice from you veteran deer hunters will be greatly appreciated....Chris By the way, I am in northeastern Illinois
I hate you had to take down massive oaks...they were probably producing more than food plots will for attracting deer. I use roundup and usually wait at least 2-3 weeks before I go back in and disc everything up. Down here I plant in the fall only...usually winter oats,winter peas, wheat and maybe clover. Other things may work better in your area.
The only upside to taking down the oaks is that there are at least a hundred of them along with huge hickory, and so many more. We took down a total of 4 so it wasnt that bad...Thanks for your help...
ChrisH, the best advice I could give you would be to get your local forester involved, he can be a major source of info on how to do what you want to acopmlish on your new lands. But there are many thinks out there you can spray to clean a forested area of un wanted things. some have more use than others, and you will want to double check the instructions, to make sure you do not have a leeching affect on you plot area. borders of the areas you will treat your county soil agent will also be a big help to you these are the guys you need to reach, they might even be able to help you with the cost of things to pending on your plan for the land!