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Help needed!

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by Atky021, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. Atky021

    Atky021 Weekend Warrior

    Sep 27, 2011
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    Hey guys/gals! I'm getting into the taxidermy field finally! I've wanted to do it ever since I saw my first mount. I start taking my classes in a couple weeks so I'm starting to get all my stuff ready, and in order b.c I'm OCD like that I like being prepared. I've thought long and hard and of many names for my studio but just can't seem to find one. So I'm asking for your guys help in picking a name and wanna hear what u guys like! I want a good name it can be catchy but I want it to sound professional yet too. I know in the taxi industry it's not about name but quality. So I'm just trying to get ahead and have my name picked out before I get my license so I can have it set up right away! But if you guys could throw a couple ideas my way that'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading my long post but I'm just excited as a hell and can't wait to start! And I also know u guys want to bring your game to someone with a lot of experience, but I gotta start somewhere practice makes perfect. So if there's any of you from around the central MN area (that's where I'm from) and wanna give a person a chance to do they're mounts and help me expand my customers that'd also be greatly appreciated and all I can ask for! Right now tho I just need a good sounding studio name b.c I will for surely be ready for deer middle to late Oct. And keep in mind if you wanna mount done just PM me for now and if I need to put my info on here I will.
    Thanks Levi
  2. CoveyMaster

    CoveyMaster Grizzled Veteran

    Aug 7, 2013
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    MO/KS state line
    I don't mean to quash your enthusiasm but it seems you're jumping the gun a bit there bud...with all due respect. You have time to mull over the possibilities while you're training. First things first, get your education and some experience and make sure it's something that you actually like doing before you make too many plans. Maybe I have the wrong impression but I take it you've never done a mount before? I don't think it's very realistic to think you're going to be fully trained and functional as a taxidermist by mid-October'ish to be responsible enough to handle peoples newly acquired pride and joy trophies. Lots of folks out there with years of experience to turn out consistently good work, just be careful you don't set unrealistically high expectations for yourself too soon. It might pay to take on an apprenticeship or internship with a good established taxi after you get some initial training to finish rounding out your education and to get hands on experience with tutelage because there's a lot to learn.

    Get your training and make sure you even like it as much as you think you will then pick up anything and everything you can to get as much practical experience as you can to be responsible for people's trophies because if they get ruined there ain't no do overs and you don't want that kind of reputation developing from the start of a new career. Practice on does, coons, squirrels and smaller bucks then when you're practical and confident from experience, you'll have a better idea of what plans to make.

    I wish you all the luck in the world and hope you take to it like a bird to flight. Heaven knows the industry can always use good taxidermists. Best of wishes in your endeavor.
  3. soccerdan90

    soccerdan90 Grizzled Veteran

    Oct 31, 2010
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    Oskaloosa Iowa
    Solid advice! I'm going to be helping my taxidermist and friend on the next deer I take him. If I don't get one this year I'll watch him on someone else's deer. I just want to learn to do my family and friends trophies. I think it would be fun!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Swise660

    Swise660 Weekend Warrior

    Jan 29, 2015
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    Being from central MN myself, I just hope you really looked into, researched, and seen the kind of work your place of education does. There is an establishment just up the road from my house that does taxidermy and teaches taxidermy and I would NOT recommend their any one because of their quality of work. There is a 2nd place with in 30 miles of me that is pretty mediocre also that teaches taxidermy. Just about any one can put on taxidermy classes, so it doesn't mean what they are teaching you is quality work.

    Once you learn the basics, go find a GOOD taxidermist that will teach you good habits, tricks, and what good work looks like.
  5. Holt

    Holt Grizzled Veteran

    Dec 13, 2012
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    I know it sounds like the easy way out but use your name as your business name and throw taxidermy on the end. It make it easy for customers to remember you and your name and it shows that your confident in your work and willing to put your name on it!

    Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  6. Atky021

    Atky021 Weekend Warrior

    Sep 27, 2011
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    I just take your advice as constructive criticism which is alright we all need some of that along the way. I got raised and instilled in me to have more confidence and pride in the work you do and take your time and do it right. So I'm not scared to take someone's trophy and mount it b.c I'm gonna do it and take care of it as it was my own trophy. I'm going to a pretty damn good taxidermist for the schooling and I will be ready by Nov. B.c I'm taking an individual class at nights after work and just working one on one. I have more confidence in myself then to be intimidated by someone else's newly acquired trophy and worrying about messing it up. I realize you only get one chance but it's something I've wanted to do for awhile so I'm gonna take that chance and prove myself. I worked with him or watched and just helped a little last weekend already and watched him do a deer and I absolutely loved every second of it and was mad I couldn't do more. I don't know how to post a pic on here of the mount but if I get told how ill do it. But like I said in my earlier post it realize ppl are gonna want to go to an "expert" but all I'm as
  7. Atky021

    Atky021 Weekend Warrior

    Sep 27, 2011
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    That was for covey master I couldn't get it to work with your quote on my phone I got an old school phone

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