Hey guys, as some of you all know I have been shooting a recurve for about 4-5 weeks now. I have tried to get a style and remain consistent with my anchor point, follow through, and everything else that goes along with shooting a recurve. I shot 5 arrows in the videos, and did not try to get fancy..what you see is what I am doing consistently. All comments and advice are welcome. Thank you. http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc90/virginiashadow/?action=view¤t=Capture_20100417_4.flv http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc90/virginiashadow/?action=view¤t=Capture_20100417.flv
I'm no expert, Brett. Here's what I'd tell you....since you asked. 1. I think you're short-drawing yourself. I'd get the bow arm a little straighter. 2. Find yourself a good anchor point reference or two....and hit 'em every time. 3. You want that draw elbow to be in line with your body. It looks like you're not getting it in line (short drawing cause). Remember what I told you about getting that elbow in line.....then get the sensation you're rotating it around your back....and not the sensation that you're moving it backwards (in a line - away from your body). You'll really feel a back tension release when you do this right. That's my 2 thoughts (2 of those three) when I'm hunting, Brett: 1. Extension - getting my elbow in line 2. Rotate my draw elbow behind me (back tension release) Glad to see you shootin' the stick!
Thank you Jeff, I will try those two things now. Just got back from a long day of soccer games for the kids but I am heading back out now to shoot. I will let you know. The only anchor I have is my middle finger in the corner of my mouth. I do feel like the bow is too short for me for some reason. I feel the back tension thing sometimes and it feels good, but it feels hard to accomplish because the bow feels tight to me...THANKS.
Little experience here, so not much to add - but just watching does remind me how enjoyable shooting trad is. Only thing I'd add - some yarn string silencers would help remove the "twang" and make that bow even quieter than it already is.
I noticed that twang sound too Matt. What's your brace height set at Brett? How long Is this recurve?
It is a 60 inch recurve Steve. I have some string silencers but have not added them because I have a new string on the way along with a bow stringer, a bow square, and some other things. Not sure on the brace height. I shot about 80-90 shots the last two days, trying to focus on having two anchors. One, my middle finger to the corner of my mouth, and two, the knuckle of my thumb on my jaw line. I shot over and over really close to the target so I could ingrain the movement. I also held my draw a second longer and tried to focus on back tension. DAMN, I am paying for it right now as the muscles between my shoulder blades are cramping like heck. I am playing around with my stance as well. I feel a little more comfortable with my right foot turned out to the right a bit. AH, so many variables to adjust. BUT this is a lot of fun. As usual, thank you all so much for your help. Keep the advice coming, it means a ton to me!