I saw a recurve bow the other day at a flea market and I've regretted not buying it all week! It was a nice bow and it had a wild boar on it. I cannot remember the brand or model. I just remember seeing the boar. It was a really sharp looking bow. If you have any clue what kind of bow this is please let me know. Thanks everyone!
Kyle, that was most likely a Ben Pearson, probably their Javelina model. Pearson is, if I'm not mistaken, the oldest bow maker in the USA. They got started a few years before Bear or any of the rest. The other readers can correct me if I'm wrong. Pearson is still in business, but only offers one recurve in their line up, and at almost a grand, you'd better have deep pockets. Be cautious about flea markets, yard sales, and even Ebay. I learned the hard way that unless I can string it and bring it to full draw, or buy it from another bow hunter who's shot it and can tell me it's safe, you're taking a chance with your money.
Kyle, that could also have been the Ben Pearson Razorback. If it's good and sound, you're not going to go wrong with a Pearson. Hamcreek