Alright guys, saw my third shooter buck of the year last night. I got to my property at 3:30 and he was already on the edge of the bean field eating and rubbing the heck out of trees. So I stopped and watched him for a bit. I tried to do a bit of a spot and stalk and then decided that the beans were just too loud to get through. So I got on my hands and knees and decided to circle him and set up in an ambush spot- but he ended up beating me there and got the slip on me. I decided I was going to set up a stand where I saw him at, (he's the second shooter I've seen use this run in the last 4 days) and see if I couldn't catch him coming through again. So fast forward to today around noon, I go out in the POURING down rain, and quickly and quietly hang a stand 25 yards off the run that these two shooters passed through on. I go back home, shower, change and head back out- I'm at the property at 2:30 today. I take my time going back, keeping crouched down and wouldn't you know, THERE HE IS! About 200 yards in front of me this time, out in the beans browsing. So he starts to head my direction. I veer off through the woods and go to my stand from the back way, thinking maybe I'll be up in it before he gets to me. I get set up, but he never shows. So I want you guys to give me some ideas as to how to get this guy! The red line is where I first saw him (3:30). He was heading North, rubbing trees and eating. He then backtracked on the yellow line, and headed South. I tried looping around that small finger there to set up an ambush but I just couldn't get there quick enough. The end of the yellow line is where I lost sight of him at. The green line (think little dipper!) is where I crawled on my hands/knees/belly trying to stay with/ahead of him. The pink dot is where I set up the new stand today, about 25 yards off the run he and the other buck used. The blue < shape out in the field is where I saw him today (2:30) . He headed South, and I was hoping he would circle back to me, but he never did. So I need some ideas. What his main purpose do you think? Where would be a good spot to set-up? Im thinking of hitting that pink stand at like 10 AM in order to be there before me moves maybe. I'm considering not hunting in the EARLY AM because I bump deer every time I go in in the dark- could it be him? What is his main purpose right now? He was rubbing ALOT, I tried grunting, but no dice... Just give me some ideas guys!
Well since I've been hunting it and seeing him in the fields at 2:30ish in the afternoons, do you think something like a late-morning (10am) sit would be good or are you talking like 4:30 am? The earliest I've hit the woods was 4:30- I STILL bumped deer in this field. They are all over it in the dark. That's really why I've been hunting it in the afternoons, because I can walk back really slowly, take my time, and usually I can see the deer before they see me, and I can slip past them.
I would go there at least an hour before the earliest you have seen him there. I'm suprised that he hasn't caught on to you yet.
I went in today about an hour before I saw him yesterday. So I guess that would put me at going in around 1 versus going in at 2:30 or 3:30. Gotta work tomorrow at 3, so not sure what I'll do. To be honest (about him catching on), me too! But when I say I'm sneaking through the beans, I'm talking literally on my belly crawling and doing anything I can to keep the wind in my favor. The other night when I first spotted him, I hunted from 3:30-7, and never even stood up straight (constantly crawling or crounching) until 6:30! My back was definitely feeling it!