¤t=Hercules.jpg the faint white line is the property....the dark areas are swamps, the really green stuff is pines...and the light brown are cutover/pine mix...can some fix it to where it's magnified so we can see the property line??
thanks Brett!! now tell me where you start...Ive seen deer along the river at the top of the page, and one or two other spots..
Let me get the little ones in bed Landon and I will take a look at it via a topo map and some tighter aerial shots.
Thanks Brett, some of those I have actually hunted and have seen or killed at least a deer there this year...well, one deer, sat AM a doe...but that's all I have been seeing in that stand so i figured i would take my first deer on this property and let it be a doe..I like several spots you marked and some look as if they could be funnels...I also see yo like those swamps as well...