Here is a video of a big boy, looks to me like he's got a triple brow and a double brow on the other side with some kickers here and there??? It looks like he's got 6 or 7 on one side and 6 on the other.....if ya click on the video, go to full screen its easier to see what I'm talkin bout....What do ya think?
So hard to tell, but I'm guessing 5 on the left and 8 on the right. Mainframe 10 with 2 sticker (abnormal) points off the brow and then a split on his g2. Could just be 6 on right though depending on length of split and if g4 is long enough. Regardless he is a nice deer!
I hear ya on the hard to tell but there are a few brow tines, that I can tell! I hope I get more pics of him in the next couple weeks! Going to be hard to stay away from this camera.....