I can't hit bulleted on BLOCK target to save my life but I can put arrows in 3D deer or turkey target in 3in group is that normal?
Yes I fought same thing for years I can not hit a bulls eye for the life of me, well maybe accidently---But I can kill deer, turkeys bear and caribou with ease----I really never did get comfy, but try this--shoot for a few days at 10 feet, then 15 feet, then 20 feet and so on works for some and please do not overshoot only a few arrows at a time ! some say over shooting causes this--I am not sure but possibly
Its hard to see with how dark those pictures are and with the shadows, but it looks like your arrows are sitting in the targets with varying angles. Did you shoot all 3 arrows from the same spot? You may have a tuning issue that needs correcting, or a arrow that has some damage, both can have a major effect in your grouping and point of impact. As mentioned, start at shorter ranges, 3 arrows at a time and take some short breaks as you feel some muscle fatigue build. Continue to practice and building your base and move back as your grouping improves and your shooting form/muscle memory builds. A post was made a few days ago referencing a link to Archery 101 and Archery 102 on youtube, lots of good information in those videos and worth a watch.