Hello from Vermont, everyone! This is my first post here on bowhunting.com and my first season bowhunting as well. I'm looking forward to learning a lot here from you guys and gals. Love the show and cannot wait for the season to start!
Well I hope you have a Great Season, Vermont has some Awesome Bow hunting. This is my 1st post on this site as well and your the first post I saw. lol I'm down in Springfield VT. Have fun and stay Positive! Good luck.
I just Quit another job because BOW hunting is here. WHAT THE @&%* is Wrong with ME? Hello! I joined this forum to talk to other avid bow nuts like myself. I Love my bow. I love the 1 on 1 time in the woods by myself. When work takes up most of my life and hunting season comes around, I have a REALLY hard time keeping my job. I love Hunting so much that I quit another job right as the season is ready to begin. I think I have a problem! Who the heck quits a perfectly good job in this economy? I just can't get the WOODS out of my mind, I have been searching for who I am as a person for a few years now, ( You know, Self help, Law of Attraction Stuff) & I have come up with the conclusion that MY Soul Purpose is to be in the Outdoors, Hunting, Fishing and Helping others experience these Natural Nature JOYS I Love so much! Fingers are crossed, Bank accounts low, hopes are high! PEACE I live in Vermont, our bow season starts in a couple weeks. New Hampshire bow season started Mon. 15th. Fall in New England is Awesome! I want to make video's of everything about Happy, Positive , Outdoors about, Hunters, Fishers, Hikers and such. Ask, Believe, Receive. Good luck to everyone this season! Think BIG & think POSITIVE! Then Be GRATEFUL.