My name is Ross I'm 24 and I've been hunting since I was 15. I've always gun hunted until about two years ago when I started shooting bow. I've never gotten a deer but I'm realllllly hoping to get it done this year.
Welcome! What part of Ohio are you hunting? I was born in NE Ohio but live in SW Ohio now and hunt in Adams county.
I'm in northeast, Medina and Wayne county is where I hunt. My parents are south east which I'll get to hunt in Freeport this year eventually.
Hello and welcome to the board. I'm in the same boat as you. Two years (this is my third) into archery - hoping to get a deer soon. You have any that you're keeping your eye on?
I'm in northeast, Medina and Wayne county is where I hunt. My parents are south east which I'll get to hunt in Freeport this year eventually.
The property I hunt waited until the very last day to give me permission, I'm the only one hunting 250 acres but I also haven't had a chance to do any scouting at all. So this season I'm going in blind unfortunately. Hopefully I can find some signs soon and catch them being lazy early this season. All the corn is up, the beans are starting to go so hopefully our paths will cross soon.
Welcome!! Sounds like a good place to hunt so far! Spend some time on Google Earth looking the property over to get an idea of what may be happening. Some observation stands that allow you to look into the heart of the property might be in order.
Doing a lot of homework right now. I'm lucky enough to be able to make it out everyday so I'm doing a lot of sitting but I'm the only one there so sooner or later it's got to pay off