I've been on and off hunting since I completed hunters safety in the early 80's, got my first bow for Christmas that same year. Though I never had any luck because I never had a good spot or new anybody with land I could use, so I ended up climbing a tree somewhere on public land. I've always enjoyed shooting a bow, even shot in a league for a while. Good number of years ago I married into a family with combined with friends have 240 acres I can use. Hunted a number of years with rifle on this land only one with a bow (9 pointer). None of this land has ever been managed for deer, it is just forest and marsh/swamp where they would find an area and setup a stand and brush a little area. Two years ago a section was clear cut. I placed a platform stand for rifle in that area last year and got a 5 pointer, and had some nice pictures of a couple 8's that only visited around 1am. This year I am getting back into bow hunting. I've started brushing and clearing an area where I can do some planting close to where I put my rifle stand. The area has lots of rocks and big ones so it is not an area where bringing in a dozer to make field makes sense so I plan on keeping it pretty natural yet still make it into a food plot. I've located some nice raspberry and blueberry bushes in the area I've started working on so I plan on leaving those while killing around them to plant something not sure what yet. I've already sprayed the first area and hope to get up this weekend to rake and start planting it and enlarge and spray more.