Ideally I like to aim such that my arrow passes thru the chest cavity hitting the lungs directly over the heart.
x3 Especially with treestand situations - impact is a little higher for a given yardage. Aim low, still good if any string jump, if no movement - heart shots end within' site typically:D
Lungs...BOTH of them. Or heart for qtr. away shots. To be honest though, in the moment of truth I don't really think about heart or lungs, I just try to pick a spot in that "pocket".. I love quartering away shots though, when the pocket is exposed perfectly. Some guys I know will only take broadside shots and never qtr. away shots, in fear that the broadhead will stop in the off-shoulder... but with Slick Trick Mags I have proven that wrong, even with a slower bow than most..
Exactly, if you hit the heart you've also hit the lungs. I usually aim a little low on purpose, towards the heart. If the deer does move, he is gonna drop a little and I hit the lungs, if he doesn't drop, I'm in the heart and lungs. What amazes me is how many people aim too far back, to stay away from the shoulder blade. The deer's shoulder blade is way forward and very high. I like to aim right above the elbow.
This picture explains my point exactly. The leg bones are very far forward creating a pocket. If you put the arrow in that area you are doing the most damage possible. Between the lungs in that spot is most of the major veins and arteries that feed blood to the rest of the body. But put the arrow low and too far back, you can still be in the ribs and end up hitting guts.
Only if the deer is close enough that the angle of the shot is severe. (in which case it can be pretty tough to get a double lung hit anyhow)
Amen!!! Precisely why I aim where I do. That hit just above the heart taking out the aorta, pulmonary artery and vein, vena cava's, etc is the most devastating hit you can put on an animal. I hit a doe in precisely that spot a few years ago hunting when I had snow on the ground and as she turned and ran, she had a massive pink mist spraying out both side of her chest. Even with that MONEY shot, she still was able to trample about 70yds, but was quite easy to find.....:D
im usually a lung guy first and if i can get a quartering shot i'll try and sneek it in the ole' ticker!