While I was working, my brother hunted my buck spot this morning ... he had a nice 8 respond to his call and get within 25 yard ..no shot tho ... then he saw a doe and 2 other bucks at seperate times ... the one smal 6 crossed the fence and gave him a 5 yard 1/4 too shot ... he took it and hit back ..the buck ran a short way and stopped ... he could see his shot was back and guts coming out of the hole ... it would walk a few steps and stand there for 5 minutes .... walk a few ..stand ... it kept doing this until it was out of site .. it went into an area that they all go ... he sat in his tree for 2 hours and snuck out ... gonna meet him at home and head out ....he shot him at 8:45 ... wish us luck!! buck recovered ...see page 3
Well Tony, if the weather is as warm as it is here, you may have to take a chance earlier than "ideal". Waiting as long as possible in this situation, 3:00 sounds like the best compromise. Good Luck.
I agree...but if the shot was better than 1st thought (liver, artery) that deer could have been dead for hours already. Did he find the arrow?
The arrow is laying on the forest floor .... he didnt want to push him by getting it...temps are 50s ....tomorrow 60...
Good luck this afternoon PT! Your brother did the right think in backing out, and I bet if you give him long enough you'll find him.
Good luck finding it PT. I'd stay a good 20 ayrds away while he's field dressing it, thats bound to be pretty ripe.
I agree 100%. I learned this from others when I lost that doe early this year..... But I was previously a gun hunter only which means here in Wisconsin I could let the deer lay there a week and it will still be fine (assuming something else would not get into it.) If it is a gut shot deer the spoilage time clock doesn't start when you shoot it. It starts when the deer expires.
Actually It does. Poison starts flowing threw the body while they are still alive, liver shots are real good for this. In saying this though people jump the gun on thinking deer spoil early. Meat can last longer then most think. If I was you Tony I wouldn't go back In till tonight after dark. Good luck though on whatever you guys do!!
Yeah but if the deer isn't dead your not going to find it anyway. I agree some of the deer could be contaminated by toxins but not the whole deer. At least not in my experience.
Good luck to you and your brother, Tony. If I were to go in this afternoon I would take it very slow. I'm with the others with thinking the meat doesn't go bad all that quickly and, going slow, you may see the buck before he sees you if he has not expired yet.
The guts were comin out of the bottom exit ... he might pull them out on the thorns ... I hate this part of hunting......
Good luck brother, if the guts were hanging out as bad as he says, I would say this deer is already dead! Keeps us updated!
The arrow had blood on it...no gut smell ..... weird ....no blood until it crossed the fence....it stopped again....we backed out and called Deer Search....
If you go after it today, I'd glass well ahead as you go off and on. If he's alive he'll still have his legs and may take off for no-man's land if he is bumped. If he severed his bowels, then he'll likely expire within 24 hrs. If he simply cut the bottom of his belly and the guts are hanging but not cut, then he could be in much better shape.