Anyone catch the goose hunt show by Heartland Bowhunters on tv? That looks like it would be a total blast to go do! May definetly have to try that someday!
I haven't seen it but have a couple of sweet spots for Goose hunting so I might have to give it a try. I'll let you know if I do so you can join in the the honker whaking.
seen it was on late last night. Had to work early so i missed that one. Ill catch it on next time though.
There were a couple of guys on the "other" site, that video taped themselves hunting geese out of a blind. That looked like a lot of fun, not easy, but fun. I might try that this fall. Zapping one with a bow is another plateau to climb.
I have to admit that I just don't see the appeal. Wasting a 15+ dollar arrow on a goose seems awfully silly to me. Plus, if you do hit them, then you would often tear up a large section of the breast. To each their own, but I just don't have a couple hundred bucks to sling through the air at birds.
huntingson, the way we were doing it was decoying the birds and shooting them off the ground. Like you said, arrows are way to expensive to be flinging through the air! We shoot them just like turkeys and interestingly enough, we usually recover almost all of our arrows!
I wouldn't think that shooting them off the ground would loose that many. As long as you are taking quality shots you should be fine.
That is something I stuck out on the video I saw. They did take quite a few shots at each one, before taking them. I'm sure it's harder than it looks. I might talk to some guys I work with, & maybe set something up.