How many of you have killed a deer this season? Im just curious. either have killed or passed up a shot, doe or buck? it seems to be very slow here in my part of the state. even doe kills seem to be down. I know in my club out of 12 -15 bowhunters, only 2 deer have been killed. one spike and one doe. I have passed on two bucks, too small and not in the rules for my property so I had, but I could have killed them. no shots at any does.
Shot on october 18th. Passed a doe to get a shot at him. We've had some amazing weather in Wisconsin to get the mature bucks moving.
Passed on a few small bucks hoping for a chance at something bigger!My 10 year old daughter wants to help track a deer so bad hope I don't disappoint her!
Killed a doe early. Still have a doe tag plus my buck tag. I like to have a doe tag for late season. Helps keep me" in the woods"
Pa has been good to me this year, I can’t kill doe at this urban spot tho and it’s driving me crazy, every time I hunt it I see young bucks. I need to take doe off it to keep the township happy.
Ive seen alot of deer compared to normal. Had 2 at ten yards the day i killed my buck, then i shot a fawn with another 3 feet from it and missed a doe. Been great season just seeing deer let alone killing for me this year. Most years at this time im lucky to see 5 deer let alone get a shot before November for me.
Yes sir! Shot a big mature doe on October 6th. Earliest I’ve killed in a LONG time, but I made a concerted effort to hunt the early season this year. Lots of good cool fronts have come through the state I love in. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I've only killed a squirrel so far. Little bugger ran out in front of my truck at the last moment. I passed on a large doe last night.
Nada for me... weather has been awful most of the year, only saw 1 shooter buck which was not in range. I Only have 1 doe tag for the county that I hunt the least, probably save it for late/extended season at this point
I shot a doe on Sept. 16th. I shot a doe and a buck on Oct. 6th. I will likely spend the rest of my season trying to get a buddy of mine a deer.
ive filled my antlerless tag, and have passed a legal buck. still have 1 buck tag and another antlerless tag
I blew my bow buck tag last week on a spike. I thought it was a doe from the couple of quick glimpses I got and the deer came out of some thick stuff quartering away and I had already drawn and he was stopped standing there and I noticed the spikes. I just couldn't resist! Picked the meat up and today and the alarm just went off for some hot italian sausage. No more bucks until gun on 11/21 but I have doe tags.