Have you ever shot a buck that scored more P&Y inches than it weighed in pounds (field dressed weight)? If not how close have you come to it? My closest was "- 23". This is a goal of mine that I have yet to complete.
Cool goal, a freakish 2.5 or 3.5 might be your best bet. Never thought of it that way, but it would be a pretty good feat.
Not even close for me. This would take a really big rack or a freakishly small body to accomplish. I suppose it would be much easier to do down South like Texas for instance. The two highest P&Y scoring bucks I have shot both dressed 200+ lbs.
That's kind of my point as to why I want to shoot one that scores higher than it weighs... I would have to nail a total slammer to accomplish it :D
I hear that, the last 4 bucks I've taken had to be over 175#'s. A couple pushing the 200's. Maybe this year.
Not even close, the biggest bucks I have shot have weighed well over the 200# mark (liveweight). I have taken some does that would weigh more than the biggest buck I have ever killed. My oldest buck, though never weighed on a scale, was an absolute huge body deer with a 100" rack. He easily weighed 260-270 lbs live weight. It took 3 people to drag him out, and the worst part was that he died in a steep creek ravine that was full of deadfalls. It took well over an hour to drag him 200 yards to the truck!
OK i have only screwed up my chance to test this 4 times over the years SO, im still waiting on my first P&Y
I seen one in Va back in the 70's that would have made it, had about 150" of bone on its head and could not have weighed better than 125lb. That big NT from MD. 2 seasons ago by far out scored its weight.
I think so, but my location in Georgia gives me a leg up on you mid-west and northern boys:D. I have a deer that goes right at 130 and I know he weighed about the same dressed. We usually do not weigh them here, but all the deer we shoot in Alabama are weighed, so that's just my guess. I think Greg has the best scenario, shoot a huge bodied deer with an even bigger rack.
Wow...Nice kill! It would take a fairly old deer, with great rack, and worn down by the rut in our area...the 2.5-3.5 bucks that many kill around here all are over 190# dressed and never score over 140 tops (2.5's more like 115). And my best buck was well over 200# dressed...I still remember not being able to move him at all as I tried to position him to dress - I weighed about a whole 150 then... ...the good thing is that the smaller body only assists in making the rack look even bigger (which would have to be a whopper to begin with to make the goal).
Not necessarily, you could find a 130"s 2.5 year old with a skinny body But a 220" booner rocking a 200lb body would be a alot cooler
dangggggggg! that is a pretty good challenge! ps orlando pace and marcus freeman said to say go buckeyes =-)
Thanks Scott, You don't know how many years I had been trying for that!! Actually, until I read this thread, I had never even thought of that statistic.
Lmao Greg and Dave, good stuff!! Wow Buckeye, that would be one hell of an accomplishment If I was able to do this. As for my biggest buck, 67 Inches smaller then the dressed weight. I don't ever see me doing this unless I was able to connect on a great buck late In the rut after he burned all his fat up chasing does around. Even then It would have to be a 160" to 180" buck.
Maybe that could be the contest, weight minus inches, the smallest number wins. Southerners should run away with it. :D 100" deer, 90 lbs. :p