I'm pretty sure its the same concept as the NAP quick tune flipper, IMO the flipper really sucked, my buddy had one and it would never stay up, was noisy and wasn't accurate at all.
I bought one for my Bear Lights Out and like it. It is very simple to mount and I have had no problems with it as of yet. I have nothing negative to say about it at all. This is the first fall away rest that I have tried that you don't have to run a string to the cables for it to work and it stays right where it should on let down. I would recommend it to anyone.
My wife has one on her Hoyt PowerHawk and it has always worked perfectly. She shoots very quietly and accurately with it.
Peakrut: It does stay down after the shot. When I first installed it, it sprung back up a couple of times but found that I had not positioned it far enough away from the shelf of the bow and it was hitting the back of the shelf causing it to spring back up. After moving it back just a tad the problem stopped. I am shooting a 2009 Bear Archery Lights Out and love them both
Thanks David. Ok my issues are that the original one I bought was indeed springing back up and I contacted NAP. They stated this is a known issue and that they have a fix and would be sending me a new head out. I got the new head and it broke after 5 shots. That screw head that the track rides on up and down well they made it so the head falls a little farther down so it wouldn't spring back up. Well it broke when it got all the way down. They sent me 2 more heads and they both did the same thing also. NAP is now changing the mold to hopefully make it stronger and I should have some new heads in the mail shortly. I am shooting a Limbsaver DZ32 that this issue is happening with. NAP told me one other bow the Mathews Monster is also having this same issue. If the monster survives the new heads then my bow should also. I will keep you all posted on this. I have since put the old head back on until they send me these heads. A new problem is that a loud clicking noise is happening after the release. So I took the head off and there is a little magnetic pin inside and I switched it around and all is quiet now but I am still getting the bounce issue. I am going to give them a call later this morning and suggest this as all the heads made this noise actually. Why I am I putting up with so much some might be wondering is I like this rest. Also NAP has been very nice and working with me and not against me on this issue. They even offered me a different style of rest if I didn't want to help them test out these other heads. Great customer service thus far is all I can say. I will post some pics later today so you can see where I am talking about the breaks.