I don't shoot a WB, but I've noticed that on some woven carbon arrows there is a "dragging" noise associated with it.....But I've only noticed it on woven carbon...
That is the reason I got rid of mine. Loved the rest all summer and early fall, but then one evening in early November it was in the 20s and dead calm. I had a doe coming in and when I went to draw, my arrow made so much noise coming backthrough the WB that she pinpointed me instantly and was gone (the rest wasnt frozen so the spray wouldnt have helped). This was with goldtip arrows and was shortly after they came out so maybe they have improved the noise issue? I work too darn hard for that shot at a good buck each year to have my equipment blow it for me.
My last 3x bucks were all shot at well under 10 yards with a biscuit. Wind and other noise was almost non-existant as well for all 3, and no issues yet. I've used GT Pro Hunters, and GT CAA's through mine, both silent as can be. I've killed a small pile of deer with one now and I still consider it the best hunting rest I've used yet. It's the one rest I know is gonna get it done every time.
Guys thanks for the input first and formost, one more ? ....any noticeable difference with noise in -0 temps
I had a WB this past season and I was out one day, it was -5 and snowing. There was no noise from it for me.
I think that a "micro" noise test would be a great idea to compare the 1,000,000 rests on the market today!
I got rid of mine due to noise, and the guy I sold it to is now getting rid of it for the same reason. There also is a video using high speed film that shows you what happens when an arrow goes thru a WB. that was the real clincher for moving onto a better rest.