My daughters are on Spring break this week. We're going to the Cinci Children's Museum this morning. There is a huge dinosaur display & Imax show we'll take a gander at. (Can you imagine getting a dinosaur with a bow & arrow?) Might do a little shopping too.
Happy Spring to Everybody! Our girls will be on Spring Break over Easter so the girls and I will be going to O-HI-O to visit the Easter Bunny this year. Probably gonna do a little shopping too
Likewise... and it sure went by way too fast lol. Oh well, only 7 more weeks of school and then a week of finals and it's summer time! Hope ya'll have a good spring filled with dead turkeys and many morels!
Same back at ya .. Sunset~! My wife and I teach, we start ours tomorrow with our kids as well. I am looking forward to a 13 day vacation in the woods.
tyty...The girls & I had a blast. Saw the Omnimax theater show on dinosaurs. It made me dizzy looking at the 5 story high screen. Very cool watching a TRex coming at you at that size with surround sound. LOL Shed, my oldest daughter Jenni is 17. She wants to be a history teacher. I'm looking into Bowling Green University, Ohio, for her to go to for her degree. I'm hoping my 13 year old chooses teaching too. Great profession.