Ok, Who has all their stands in place, shooting lanes cut, and already to rock n roll for the '09 season. I have 2 stands left to hang and I'll be ready to let things set till fall.
I have 1 set that I hung within 24 hours of the season close. Other than that the stands that I have hung right now need to be moved.
Not even thinking about hanging stands yet. Hoping to get out and do a bunch of shed hunting over the next several weeks first.
Does leaving your stand up last year, because you were too lazy to walk back through the 3 feet of snow count?
Weather is too bad right now. I'll shed hunt in about 2 weeks. I saw 2 bucks today with only one antler. Cant wait to get out there and start checking out '09!!!!!!!!!
I don't rehang mine until mid july. I already have the trees cleaned and ready, so it just takes running em in and up the tree one morning. If I get a new area to hunt, I try and hang some ASAP to learn the place and have em in the area early.
I have spent two years hunting this buck. He moves mostly at night. I have been close but yet too see him. I have a good place to go for him this year. But, this year I am going to spend the majority of the season hunting the river bottoms. Have already done a lot of pre scouting. I have already chosen some stand sites.
I have stands still in the woods that need moved, and two more waiting to be hung. Most likely April.
I will be placing 6 stands in an area of about 100 acres. I know where they are going but they are sitting in my shop taking up space right now.
I'll throw in some stands the end of August or first part of Sept. Shooting lanes???? What's that. I don't cut anything usually. I wait to see where the deer will likely be feeding or traveling nearer hunting season. No way am I hanging a stand in February to hunt in October. I don't like squirrels chewing straps and bees building a nest under my butt. I would venture to say that most or at least half the stands you hang now would be better off hung somewhere else come October. That is of course unless you like to hunt the same stand year after year after day after day. I don't do that. You probably do yourself a whole lot more damage than good hanging a stand now.
Mine are still out from this year, i need to take them down, clean, fix-up and get new straps for most of them.
Man I just got my last one down a couple weeks ago. I only hang about 3-4 stands though. They are usually the ones deepest in the woods...less chance of someone finding those and too far to backpack in my Lone Wolf with 90 degree weather or they are used for a morning hunt. My main stand is on my back...harder for someone to walk off with it.
Some of my stands are still in the woods, i still have a bunch to hang but i wont hang them for a while.
I hang my stand the day I'm going to hunt! This past season I don't think I hunted out of the same tree more than 3 times! I now hunt once or twice out of the same tree and move, I like changing it up and keep the deer on their toes! I've switched it up last year and hunted from the ground one morning in the same location I used to sit religiously early in the season, I watched 2 different deer look up into the tree to see if I was there! I changed my ways from that day forward!
No new stands set yet,not likely until August.I will prepare some tree's prior to that in funnels.I believe I still have four stands out from this past season.Way to much ice and hard pack on the slopes now to get any reasonable footing.Hopefully later this month and in to April I will be able to identify area's that were holding good bucks.