Hello all. I am new to tree stands. I got my first Compound this year and am currently looking into getting a set of climbing sticks and a hang on tree stand. I was wondering if paying the extra money for a stand with a back on the seat is necessary? I am currently trying to decide between the Muddy Boss AL and the Muddy Boss Elite AL. I am also open to other suggestions as this will be the first tree stand I have ever purchased. I have watched a lot of reviews and it seems like a lot of it is personal preference. As far as climbing sticks I am trying to decide between Muddy Pro Climbing Sticks and Hawk Helium sticks. Any advice is much appreciated! Thanks for you time.
I have two sets of the Hawk Helium sticks. They are awesome. The best part about them, imo, is the steps are equal on both sides. That makes things a whole easier when hanging stands Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Yeah, I do like how they are a little longer than the Muddy. I have watched a few videos where guys have modified the strap out for rope attaching, kind of like how the Muddy cam does. I'm very interested in both lol
I have a stacked outdoors stick that i use and love. It’s probably the least expensive stick you can find too, but very strong and wide enough that i use it as a platform without issue. It’s done great on precariously small trees too, plenty of grip. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I definitely agree with the idea of the step with both sides on each step. I've got both lone wolf steps (one sided steps that each individual step can be switched from left to right side depending on what you need) and a set that has the dual sided step. While the lone wolf set is easier to manage, the actual steps are smaller than is preferable. In terms of a hang on stand, make sure that the platform is plenty big. I've got an old rivers edge hanger that the platform isn't as big as I'd like, but it is my backup that I don't sit in that often. My lone wolf alpha is rather nice. Big platform and lightweight... big plus there. On the other hand, however, I also just invested in a ladder stand that is like sitting on a couch, elevated 18 ft in a tree. It's so nice sitting in that stand! I highly recommend looking at one of those if you can set it in a good spot and leave it there. If the ability to move it around or you hunt public land and need to hang and hunt, platform size is a major factor for me. Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk
4 Lone Wolf sticks and Xop Vanish Evo with the Xop transport system , light and bulletproof. Upgrade the seat cushion to a hunt comfort outpost, best 50$ you’ll spend .
Thanks for the replies everyone. I got a set of Hawk Heliums ordered and I think I'm going to pull the trigger on a Lone Wolf Assault 2 tonight. After watching tons and tons of reviews this weekend I think that is what I want to go with. So many great stands, it is hard to decide.
Can't go wrong with lone wolf hangers, with the exception of their seat. Like the previous individual, I'd recommend upgrading the seat on this one as well. I quickly bought a seat cushion after constantly shifting weight and changing from sitting to standing after the first couple of hunts. Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk
Oh ok I will keep that in mind. I was hoping it came with a good enough seat but sounds like it doesn't lol. I might save some money and just get the XOP then since I will be replacing the seat on either stand. Hard to decide.
I'd say if most things are equal, in terms of portability, total weight and ease of use (put up and take out of tree) then make your decision based on the size of the platform. While I understand that few hanger platforms are all that large, it's nice to have more room to shuffle feet around. My old rivers edge stand had a relatively small platform when compared to my lone wolf. Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk
I ended up with hawk helium’s and a lone wolf alpha. Thinking about getting a 4th 30 inch helium, any thoughts on running 3 vs 4? The alpha must have taken a beating during shipping because the platform had a 3-4 inch section of it broken off. The box was in rough shape. Taking to Scheels tomorrow to exchange for another.
I would definitely get a 4th. Options are better than only being able to get 12-15 ft of the ground. I'm fairly certain that of I'd have been a little higher off the ground this morning, I'd have an 8 pointer on the ground. As it is, that deer is still walking because I wasn't comfortable with the shot. Of course, you don't have to use all 4 if you don't want to. Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk