Well, I have not shot the wheelie bow since January and decided I better do some muscle toning this evening. This is what I want my Trad groups to look like one day at 20yds.
Thanks for the compliments guys. I really need to start balancing my compound practice and trad bow practice. I do not intend to go trad only this season, but I will be hunting with it in some high traffic areas. I just like shooting my compound too much to lay it down completely. I hear ya Jeff on the 20yds and the difference. Looks like 50, to me, with a trad bow. We will get there one day and be able to shoot recurves like Steve.:d Note: By the way guys, if you have never tried Silicone spray on your arrows for 3D targets, you are missing out. I tried this yesterday on my deer target and man, what a relief. I will be using this stuff from now on. Best part is, no smell at all. Try it, you will like it.
Bobby, we know that we will never shoot like Steve looks like we will just have to start banning him from any 3 spot contests or something.:d