I haven't hardly shot my bow at all this spring due to ungodly hours In my milk truck. Been working a ton extra lately being one of my drivers hurt himself In a minor motorcycle accident. Good thing It didn't happen I guess before the Colorado trip, I wouldn't be been going then. 1st arrow I've shot In about 3 weeks, 30 yard shot on this cottontail rabbit. I kinda surprised myself.
Cool. Steve, did you paint up your recurve yourself? I have solid black limbs and when I was shooting today I noticed a glare coming off the limbs. I like the look of the bow but realize I need to get it ready to hunt.
Yep. The base coat Is camo flat brown. I then took a maple leaf and layed It across my limbs and used camo flat black to outline the leaf. As you can see I outlined the leaf all over the limbs. Works for me anyway. Thanks guys. Got lucky on this shot!!
Sure It's what I Intended to do but to be honest when I let the arrow fly It was one of them deals where If I missed It wouldn't surprise me at all at that range. 30 yards Is a poke for me, specially at a small 2 Inch target. The front shoulders was all that was visible when I shot. The rest of the body had branches covering It. When I practice I do alright at that range but practicing Is one thing, a hunting situation Is another. You know what I mean. Thanks Chris, Ryan, Flatbow!!