I mostly hunt public land and I had the opportunity yesterday to go checkout my favorite public spot. All the years past this spot was butted up against either a corn or bean field but now those fields have all been converted to habitat restoration. While driving the area I saw a ton of deer in all the surrounding bean fields but while glassing the habitat restoration land I never saw a thing. I will get a picture posted tonight of the entire area labeled so everyone can see what I am talking about. My question is do the deer that have been occupying my favorite spot the last few years move to the bean and corn fields permanently or just to feed then return? Is my old favorite spot worth anything anymore to me as a hunter or do I need to move also? Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
My uneducated guess is that they move to and from their food source. It might not be attracting more deer now or even have them bedding down in it but eventually once you increase the carrying capacity of any creatures habitat they will expand and begin to grow in numbers. The next few seasons might be a little slow but eventually there will be more deer if not the ones that are allready there will be bigger and healthier because of the abundance of food and area to spread out into. I would still hunt the same area but maybe try to find their trails to the bean fields and adjust accordingly.
When I started hunting deer, many moons ago, we only had CRP to hunt, and we killed many deer in those areas. when the hunting preasure starts, I bet some, if not all, of the deer will return to your area, but it might be a better afternoon hunt in the early season. Good Luck!
Thanks guys. I think the big problem that I am going to have is the nearest feeding fields are about 1/2 mile away and maybe to far to go back and forth to daily. Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
I would easily figure that too but with woods in tht same area I am curious if they would just stay o return Sent from my T8788 using Board Express