You have my respect. I have no idea how I would approach a hunting season if I knew I would probably only release one arrow from a treestand ALL FALL. In Oklahoma we can take SIX deer.....two bucks, four does. Patience would very much be a virtue if I was in a single deer situation.
yup....northern ohio...we can only shoot one doe, and one selective..haha..but you take the good with the bad....lots of BIG bucks..but cant shoot many..
It can be tough and very frustrating. Allot of people think I'm nuts setting my goals the way I do with what I have here for bucks and usually the one tag period. There's reasons I go without a deer some years, just doesn't always work out In the end. Not much I can do about It though other then travel a long ways north to other area's that have management tags or head on over to Wisconsin and or North Dakota. If the money and time was there I'd be going to Wisconsin over MEA week like we use to when I was a kid, that was a blast!!
I know I'd be hunting differently thats for sure, I'd have to learn patience thats for sure! I'm getting better though, I passed on a 3 pointer and a little 6'er the other day, if the weather was staying cold so the deer could hang, I would of shot the six. It took everything I had in me NOT to shoot this deer. At one point he was liking the blood from the Doe I killed a few days earlier, then walked over to the base of my tree and was smelling my LW sticks! It was killing me!!!!!! Still is.... :D I agree, much respect to the guys who only get the one or two tags a season!
Hunted Maine for 3 years...short season, bucks only, One tag...and can't hunt Sundays...makes being a weekend warrior useless.... Now Hunting NH...3 month season, 1 Any Deer tag, 1 bonus Antlered Only tag...and I can still go get a firearms tag for November...and I can hunt Sundays... Oh yeah...also threw in a Turkey tag (One Turkey either sex) in case they waddle under my Climber. Goals are still set low however. I'm just hoping to SEE deer, to claim I had the POTENTIAL to fill ONE of my tags...that'll be a rarity indeed. So I have no problem having only 2 deer...can't imagine what I'd do with 6...
I can take one buck and 3 does. I don't need anymore DEER. But I'd like to be able to take two bucks. I've said it before, they could even make it profitable for the PGC, sell 25,000 of them for 100 bucks a pop, I'd buy. Call it what it is, a trophy tag. Make it 4 points to a side.
Only 10,000 - 13,000 Deer are taken in NH TOTAL in a year... ...I've got to move...
Yea I definitely respect the guys who have to be very selective with frustrating laws in their state/area. Schultzy is one person I know who is defintely getting screwed by wacky DNR laws, from what I've read in some posts. As an Indiana landowner we can take up to 8 does, for our county (Ohio county), and 1 buck. Ohio is also 1 buck, and I forget how many does the area I hunt allows...
In Colorado, you get one either sex tag, can get a second doe tag, and possibly a third antler tag if hunting on private property. You are given exactly one month to get-r-done. Very few of the hunters I know opt for the additional tags. Why? Our D.O.W. wants to maintain a deer herd around 600,000 animals. Let's do the math: Of the 600,000, let say there's an even split between does and bucks (i.e. 300,000 bucks; 300,000 does). Hunters (all methods) kill 60,000 animals per year. Another 50,000 are killed on the roadways. Mountain lions kill 2-3 deer per week and we have an estimated 3000 lions-thus, 3000 x let's say 2 x 50 weeks (lions vacation too ,ya know)=300,000. At the end of every year we have approximately 190,000 deer left in the state. If we get a bad winter, heavy fall and spring snows....sheez-o-pete! Kiss our deer hunting bye-bye.
Wait, wait, wait...You gotta clarify...Is that for 6 bucks or 60 bucks?:D That is insane if you can really kill that many bucks a year...I can't even imagine. KY is a 1 buck state (for the half of the hunters that care), and I actually don't mind it a bit.