I heard mention (most recently on AT, so take this as is for right now) that the future gun ban Obama's administration will include additions such as a nationwide CCW revocation for civilians. Anyone heard anything more about this, or no whether there is any truth to this?
That would be a blatant revocation of our rights. If that passes, I do believe shots would be fired...not by me....but just saying...
I haven't heard of any ccw revoking legislation in the works. I get emails from the NRA-ILA, Illinois State Rifle Assoc., US Sportsman's Alliance and a couple other organizations so I'd likley have heard of it. On the other hand, no attack on our rights coming from this administration will surprise me. I strongly encourage everybody to support the NRA, your state/local 2nd amendment supporting group and hunting orgs. You can also sign up for free email alerts from most of these groups. Get involved! ...steps off of soapbox.