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Guessing size and age of buck.

Discussion in 'Intro to Bowhunting & Archery' started by Emortega321, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Emortega321

    Emortega321 Newb

    Aug 28, 2015
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    image.jpg image.jpg Hi guys junior here image.jpg image.jpg

    kinda new to hunting,even tho I have been hunting for 3 years i have put anything on the ground. I have at super bad luck.. From misses or the deer I shot that went in the river and got swept away.... I'm looking at putting a big buck down this year and have a few on my hit list would you be able to tell me your guess on the age and size of these deer please? Just trying to see if it should pass on these guys this year and not hunt this land till they get a little older. Thank u guys so much

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  2. Bone Head Hunter

    Bone Head Hunter Grizzled Veteran

    Aug 6, 2012
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    Southern Indiana
    Personally I'd pass, but that has nothing to do with you.. All those deer are 2-3 year olds and score between 100 -120

    If you have never taken deer shot the first one that comes by..

    Got to start somewhere and any of those would be a fine first buck!

    NateJR_PABOWHUNTING Weekend Warrior

    Dec 25, 2014
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    Benton, Pennsylvania
    You have some good buck there, I agree with them all being 100-125 range.. They all do look to be younger deer, but that doesn't necessarily mean let them go another year. I don't know what the hunting is like around where you're at.. If you're in a high pressure area where there are other hunters, good chance some of these will be non-existent next year (I know where I hunt 4 1/2 year old deer are hard to come by). Hearing you've never bagged a buck, I'd say shoot the first 3 1/2 year old + that gives you a good ethical shot and get that monkey off your back. It seems you're younger, you will have plenty of time in life to Trophy hunt. Also just because you're only getting these deer on Camera doesn't mean there isn't a bigger buck in the area, those old deer are notorious for avoiding cameras, they didn't get that old for no reason.

    It took me 4 years of archery hunting before I finally pulled a trigger on a buck.. It's actually the one I have in my photo and that's around the same class as the buck you've got on camera and was a 3 1/2 year old. By all means pass up the 2 1/2 year old buck, but nothing wrong with a 3 1/2 year old buck, they are trophies in themselves and I'm pretty sure no one will think any less of you for shooting a 3 1/2 for a first bow kill.. I'm sure a lot of people on here got buck much smaller for their first kill lol.. Good luck this fall!!
  4. Emortega321

    Emortega321 Newb

    Aug 28, 2015
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    Thank you so much and I am in central Indiana and this particular place is right across the street from my house.... For the past 10 years it's been owned by a bunch of differant people but I do not believe there have ever been any hunting.... It's a small patch of woods that I grew up riding dirtbikes on and I have never seen anyone back there... Thank you guys so much I appreciate it

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