Been in the shop cleaning up osage logs, mesquite logs, and bamboo for some bows. Finished this bow up about a week ago. Its a Brazilian walnut bamboo trilam, R-D long bow with a curly maple handle and curly maple white tail deer antler tips. 67" noc to noc. 50lbs at 28". I had built this bow for someone, and he never got back to me. If I knew Id be stuck with it, id made it 60+ lbs. I might use it as a turkey bow this spring season. tips. The sexy curves Braced handle Full draw. Ive got a few osage trilams to make and maybe a few self bows, then im getting onto some glass lams, probably some hill style. But ill put some reflex in them. I dont care for a flat bow.
Nice! Is the length of bow base on a person's height? This traditional stuff is cool even if I don't understand it.You and kanga do some good work!
Kent. Once again excellent workmanship. Maybe Rowell will buy it but you might have to throw in a bucket so he can stand on to shoot it:evil: :d
Nice work for a Red Raider... Did someone from A&M teach you that.... Okay, I'm sorry, that was a low blow.
Rowell I want to see you on that ladder stand with one of Kent's bows to see if you could hit PAYDIRT too.:computer:
first off, thanks all. As for selfbow. This is not a self bow. It would be an all organic trilam. A self bow is a bow whittled out of one single piece of wood. Ill be making some selfbows this summer, pending the wood is cured enough by then. Rowell. When enough wood gets cured, ill make you a bow and make it real short. lol. Actually, the length of the bow is relative to design and materials used. Bob, you need to quite running to the Moonshadow and make some more knives.:d
Your funny. Actually, when the day I signed my letter of intent, I had a few colleges in mind Tech, A&M, U.T. Dartmonth, Yale, and L.S.U.. I did not decide until two days before signing. I almost called A&M to sign with them, but at the last min. I decided to go with Tech.