It is looking good so far, keep your fingers crossed! Thu Jun 24 Partly Cloudy 84° 62° 10% 84°F Fri Jun 25 Partly Cloudy 85° 67° 10% 85°F Sat Jun 26 Mostly Sunny 83° 64° 20% 83°F
Whether looks awesome to me, A little rain never hurt anybody though! Unless of course you are old, frail and shoot a bowtech....Cough cough..IDK...BC...Cough cough.
Hahaha, Hank and Crik would comment about now but they already took their Metamucil and are likely two hours into a deep sleep.
I just checked and the weather is looking pretty nice to me. Saturday is going to be a burner agian.
HA! I saw that there was a message on the machine and Jill said it was her bro in law.....finally listened to it today and it was you!!!!!
I've been checking the weather for up that way and rain keeps popping in and out of the forecast. Right now has scattered showers with a 40% chance of precipitation. Hopefully we get lucky and the rain holds off.
I have a show I have to go to in Oshkosh this weekend, but am leaving my bro in law in charge on Saturday so I can come see you guys. Leaving camp around 2 today to make the trip down south!
OK NOW I HAVE HAD ENOUGH! I am tired of the word tonado and rain! I was out at my daughters softball when they said that the storm turned and was going to hit us hard. Well, it did! There are trees down yet once again and many people out of lights! I am home with lights and very surprised! Here is a tree from a block away from my front door! I ask the dear lord and mother nature to stop the storms on our area. We get cleaned up from a storm then bang we get hit with another one then bang another one! I hear chi-town is getting hit with some good winds too so I hope you all up there are ok as well.