Me and mobow will be be there for sammitches.:d Hey Hank let me know if you need more meat. I have some in the freezer I could donate.
I wonder if the golf cart cops enforce an open container laws in the campground. I'm going to be ready for a cold one by the time I pull in to Paradise.
is a keg considered an open container?? :d I have a 5 gallon keg of a clone of Lagunitas IPA that should be about ready by then... not that I'm suggesting anything...
that is disappointing... guess i'll have to bring a case of the JOOSE... 16oz of rage in a can!!!:evil:
I'll be there guys. I am game for some drinks on Friday night. I'm not sure when I'll get there though. I land in Midway at 3:15pm, I'm guessing it will take me 1.5 - 2 hours to get to the campsite after I hop in the rental car. I would plan on me being there around 6ish or so if I stop for beer and some food on the way.
Former GTG'ers, is the fishing any good? And since its a campground would we have to purchase gonna be asking tons of questions in the next week or so
I cant believe your putting me in the same category as momighty. LOL maybe not 2 but I can't keep up with you.
fun aint it??? btw - I'm dry hopping the IPA tonite... hopefully it will be ready in time... the bottled oatmeal stout is not ready yet, not optimistic about it, the kegged version tastes awesome, but the bottled version isn't ready... i'm being patient (a virtue with deer and beer)... i'll try kegging the IPA probably Wed and it should be rocking by friday night... :D