Ok I see some of you say you try other foods. How do you all run the camp? Everyone bring an item and then put all together or what? How is everything cooked? What time do you arrive at the camp? Any other info would be great since first time. Steve "dawg007"
dawgster, glad yer gonna make it We usually bring some of our own food and snacks but Friday night IN DA WOODS fixes the best venison samich you will ever sink your teeth into There are some of us that will help him out on supplying some venison and everyone kicks in 2-3 bucks to help him out with all the supplies it takes to put these bad boys together. Alot of us will get there Friday evening, Ill roll in around 2:00 Friday. WARNING>>Do not pitch tent next to Dubbya He snores when on the sauce Also Bring your own beer, but 7mag is bringing some home brew for us to try. There is a private stall shower with hot water there also! You can bring a fishing pole (no license required) and if we play Football, you and raceway are on my team
Two things! First I snore too! I also will be on the DL list for football unless I toss the ball. I had a cadaver bone put in my knee on Dec 15th and still trying to get to 100% I am at 70 to 80 now!
Blood I have all my sheds that are going or made the NASHC Record Book all in a tote ready to visit you! I can talk shed hunting or hunting all day long and it drives the wife crazy!
And I cant wait to see em!!! Ill bring my 6 biggest, probably nothing like yours but Ill bring anyway!! Raceway......thumb wrestling it is :D
Thats cool me and Jmbuckhunter will be right there with you. I still won't be 100% from my knee surgery.
This same knee has been scoped in 1990, 2002, Sept 2009, then this one Dec. 2009. All from a blow out during a football game and after they popped it back in I played another quarter of football on it. LOL
Crick, I've NEVER heard myself snore... so I don't believe any of you guys! :D Dawg, looking forward to it!
well i guess i will bring a couple of my little sheds to the gtg to show everyone as well. i dont have any real big ones!!!!
DAWG, sorry i didnt PM you back. Been busy..ive been speed reading BH.com lately... Your gonna love the camping experience, its a good time. I guess we can consider you out for the triathalon....